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Home // Water & Wellness // Deferegger healing water

Here, the Alpine force of nature flows in abundance.

Feel the Alpine force of nature – this is our ethos at the Jesacherhof. We regard unspoilt nature as our most profound source of strength. Deferegger healing water is a testament to nature’s profound potency and efficacy.

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Deferegger healing water

Deferegger healing water is drawn from a depth of 1,850 metres in St. Jakob in Defereggental. The precious water is around 600,000 years old and is considered one of the oldest and most effective healing waters in the world. Its extraordinary content of precious minerals and its special purity make this water a true treasure of nature. Deferegger healing water has healing and regenerative effects. We particularly recommend it for rheumatic and orthopaedic ailments, skin conditions such as psoriasis and acne, as well as respiratory and sinus issues. The rarity and preciousness of the healing water necessitate careful handling. In our accommodation in St. Jakob in Defereggental, we use this precious water in our wellness and spa treatments.

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Deferegger healing water ingredients

Excerpt from the officially recognised analysis by Hydroisotop GmbH dated 13/08/2020:

Sodium (Na+) 9,100mg/l Bromide (Br-) 185mg/l
Potassium (K+) 81mg/l Iodide (I-) 3.5mg/l
Magnesium (Mg2+) 110mg/l Sulphate (SO42-) 1.6mg/l
Calcium (Ca2+) 3,200mg/l Fluoride (F-) 1.2mg/l
Chloride (Cl-) 20,000mg/l Lithium (Li+) 15.3mg/l
Accommodation in St. Jakob in Defereggental: healing water
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Alpinhotel Jesacherhof ****S
The Jesacher Family // Außerrotte 37
9963 St. Jakob in Defereggen | Tirol // Austria
VAT no.: ATU66600369
T +43 (0) 4873 5333 // info@jesacherhof.at